The Freskensaal with its baroque ambience and the famous ceiling fresco by Franz Anton Maulbertsch forms the heart of the castle. Whether weddings or corporate parties, the historic state hall gives every event a noble flair and is also used as a venue for concerts thanks to its excellent acoustics.

Maestoso, Neapolitano & Conversano
The three banquet halls Maestoso, Neapolitano & Conversano are located in the former stables of the imperial stud – the cradle of the Lipizzan Horses – and today offer you a location of the highest level with a unique charm for your party.

161,5m2 | 19×8,5m – Universal- /EntrĂ© Room (i.e. flowers, presents, music, photobox, candybar)
199,5m2 | 21×9,5m – Bar Room